PubCoder 5.0: Unleashing Creativity On All Smartphones.

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This iteration of PubCoder brings to life a dream we’ve harboured for years: empowering creatives worldwide, whether large-scale content providers or independent freelancers, to generate digital-first content optimised for smartphone usage.

We’re not talking about just any content but a rich stream that incorporates text, video, audio, interactive elements, and gamification - all downloadable and accessible online to fully leverage the potential of smartphones, overcoming the constraints of browsers.

Today, the multitude of potential readers and subscribers to online newspapers, newsletters, and audio or video streaming platforms across the globe can also benefit from “long-form” content imbued with creativity and interactivity and tailored to perfection for the smartphone interface.

A popstar biography? A travel guide? A 30-minute training module? Study material for students? An enhanced romance novel? The scope is boundless, limited only by imagination, and the technology is primed and ready. (Want to see some examples? write to us and we will give you access to our prototypes)

A few years ago, numerous newspapers sold millions of fiction books at newsstands as a “supplement” to their paper. They had a readership community, a robust distribution channel, and the knack to optimally package their product. Fast forward to today, many content providers boast large digital communities, much like the many influencers commanding millions of followers. Similar to their print newspaper predecessors, they possess a loyal community willing to pay for digital content, holding the perfect distribution channel in their hands: their own smartphone.

PubCoder 5.0, in conjunction with SHELF, enables anyone to generate and distribute the highest quality content for their community: to gift it, sell it, include it in a subscription package, or employ it for branded content or product placement.

The technology of today is here and accessible to all.